Jesus advises the world: "Do not kill.
In the Bible he is called "Jehovah God" and is the creator who created the heavens, the earth and the universe.
And all the Buddhas collectively call him "Vairocana" (meaning: the mother of all the Buddha Gods), which means the great day "Tathagata" (meaning: great Buddha)!
Yi Guan Dao (a Chinese religious group that developed in Taiwan).
Definitely God, the immeasurable purity "Supreme and Most Holy" "Three Realms (Earth, Universe, Heaven) and their directions", "All Souls of Creation".
Our Heavenly Father
May all holy things revere your name
May your kingdom come
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven
Please give us today our daily bread
Please forgive us our sins
As we forgive those who offend us
Let us not fall into temptation
Keep us from evil
For you are the kingdom, the power and the glory forever and ever.
"The Origin of the Baptism and the Holy Spirit and the Fire of the Last Days."
When the name of the prophet "John the Baptist" became known, some people speculated that he might be the coming "Savior" of prophecy. Someone asked John if he was? John replied, No, "I baptize you with water so that you may repent and turn to good.
But the one who comes after me, his abilities are even immensely greater than mine, so that I do not even deserve for him to wear his shoes in my hands. This Master will use the Holy Spirit with fire for baptism. The Holy Spirit is the Master sent by God, who comes from heaven. What will the baptism be like? Search God's way to find him. He will baptize you with fire. In his hand he holds a fan. Who is this master? His name is "Jigong."
This master, who holds a fan in his hand, will have a community of faith. He will accept the believers into the community of faith to learn "God's Tao". These believers are a comparison with the wheat. The bad people who sin are a comparison with the chaff.
The believers who learn the way of Tao as well as eat according to vegetarianism are protected by God. As protection, they are illuminated by a purple light. The chaff is burned with unquenchable fire. The nuclear is the nuclear fire of the bullets that eliminate the wicked and guilty of the earth (The Gospel according to Matthew 3: 11-12).
Jesus advised the world to become vegetarians.
The flesh of the killed animals that man eats becomes his own grave.
I tell you the truth, the murderer will kill himself, because the meat eater will eat the flesh of the dead" (In The Gospel of Peace).
Jesus said:
"You shall not kill", all living creatures on earth come from the same "Mother of the Spirit of all living creatures". For all life is given by God, and what is given by God cannot be taken by any man.
I tell you the truth: all life on earth comes from the same mother. Therefore, whoever kills, kills his own brothers and sisters, and the mother of the earth will keep away from him. If women had chosen to have an abortion (that is also killing) they will lose their breasts. The angel will stay away from her and Satan will reign in her body.
The flesh and blood of the slaughtered animals in his body will be his own grave.
I tell you the truth: everyone who kills kills himself.
Everyone who eats meat and kills the animals, in that he slaughters and takes the life of the animal, eats corpses.
In his blood, every drop of animal blood becomes poison.
From his body, the body odor like that of the animal will give off a foul odor.
In his body, it will grow into tumors (abscesses) through animal flesh and blood.
In his bones it will become calcified (osteoporosis) by animal flesh and blood.
In his organs it will rot like the viscera of the animal (cancers).
In its eyes, its vision will deteriorate greatly (due to poisons).
In its ears, its hearing will deteriorate or lose to complete deafness (due to poisons).
And the death of the animal will also be the death of the man who kills animals and eats their flesh.
(The first book of the Bible)
Jesus said again:
"Do not kill" and do not eat the flesh of innocent animals, lest you fall prey to Satan, for that is a way of suffering that will lead you to death.
But do the will of God, then His angels will serve you on the way of life.
But I want to tell you clearly that man should never slaughter an animal to put it in his mouth.
If you eat a vital (vegetarian) diet, you will have more energy.
But if you kill animals, the dead food will also kill you.
Because life comes only when you allow life (you allow living animals to survive).
And death always comes from death (you eat the flesh and blood of animals, that also harms you).
Anything that is killed for your food (killing animals) will also kill your body.
Anything that kills your body also kills your soul.
What food you eat becomes your body (reincarnation into an animal).
What thoughts do you have? The mind will change accordingly. If you think good thoughts, then you go the way of creation. If you have bad thoughts, you go the dark way (Satan's way).
God says:
The flesh with blood, that is the life of the animal, you must not eat it.
(When an animal is killed, its blood flows and the flesh becomes bloody. Creation speaks to man that the life of the animal must not be killed under any circumstances.)
If the blood of living beings is shed and their lives are violated, for that I will punish people severely. It does not matter if it is an animal or a human being, or even their own brother. I want them to pay for it. Life, whether it is an animal or a human being, must never be taken.
The current epidemic of this world is haunted by retribution from the dead spirits of souls, the animals killed by people. They want revenge, people should pay for it with their own lives.
With the hope that all people will come to their senses and immediately refrain from killing animals and eat vegetarian food, the earth will develop for the better and good.
May believers translate and spread these truths of creation into all the languages of the world.
~《耶穌勸世人》 「 不可殺生」~
而諸佛共稱 「毘盧遮那」即大日如來也 !
「明明上帝」 「無量清虚 」「至尊至聖 」「三界十方 」「萬靈真宰」
願祢的旨意行在地上 如同行在天上
(將天國福音,渡化有緣人來學道修道,到末劫降臨之時,麥子收藏,即茹素有功德之士,在上帝佛堂會被紫光保護。糠用不滅之火燒盡,就是核子彈之核火,洗擦地球之惡人、有罪之人呀 !)
「不可殺生」,地球上的所有生命活物,都是來自同一個 (萬物之靈母親)。
我如實告訴你們,任何人殺生,就是殺害自己 ;
任何人食肉宰殺的動物血肉,就是食用死屍 。
※此篇偉大 耶穌勸世人回頭向善,歡迎有智之士,翻譯成各國語文,廣傳真理福音,就功德無量啊 !